Wednesday, May 19th the 2nd graders from Kimmel Farm visited the All A Flutter butterfly farm in High Point, NC. We enjoyed seeing first hand each stage of the Monarch Butterfly's life cycle.
Question for my class. What did you enjoy most about the field trip and what is something new that you learned?
Last week our 2nd graders participated in a kaleidoscope of Problem Based Learning focused on different animal lifecycles. The following PBL's were conducted: Creepy, Crawly, Caterpillars (Mrs.Cherry), Stages of Metamorphosis (Mrs. Dezarn) Love Those Ladybugs (Mrs.Ellington), Who’s Making That Noise? (Mrs. Fala), The Duck and the Butterfly (Mrs. Yarbrough). It was a great opportunity for the students to participate in several authentic learning scenarios, as well as for the teachers to practice their skills they received this year through their training with CERTL.
"Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a learning/teaching methodology based on the principle of using problems as a starting point for the acquisition of new knowledge and a learning/teaching methodology designed to create learning through experience and the reinforcement of existing knowledge."
Problem Based Learning Cases from CERTL - The Center of Research, Teaching and Learning. Wake Forest University Health Sciences. 9 Apr. 2009 .
Question for all 2nd graders at Kimmel Farm. "Did you enjoy the PBL kaleidoscope last week and what did you learn from this experience?"